Why Choose Hydraulic Seeding?
Hydraulic seeding methods can be tailored to any site and save clients a great deal of time and money. Hydroseeding UK has a wealth of industry experience and technical knowledge, along with the best machinery on the market. This allows us to provide site-specific solutions that get the job done with care and precision.
We are often commissioned to carry out hydroseeding works for erosion control purposes. Using the latest hydroseeding materials on the market, we help to save clients time and money by seeding difficult areas that would typically require labour intensive erosion control blankets to be installed. The nature of hydroseeding also removes the need to spread topsoil and sow seeds conventionally.
To provide superior erosion control and rapid turf establishment, Hydroseeding UK use FGM (Flexible Growth Medium) and EFM (Engineered Fibre Matrix). Unlike traditional erosion control blankets, these specialist erosion control mulch products bond directly to the surface of the soil, providing a strong hold and requiring less surface preparation than traditional methods. These products create an extremely reliable and stable erosion control blanket – they ‘lock down’ the soil while the seed germinates in the mulch. Certain products remain in place for up to 24 months until the grass is strongly established, and only then will it break down organically.
At Hydroseeding UK, we use our wealth of experience, industry knowledge and long-standing relationships with global mulch manufacturers to deliver a cost-effective and professional hydroseeding solution for all site requirements.