What is Erosion Control and how is it used?
Erosion control is an extremely important practice when it comes to preventing and controlling wind and water erosion in agriculture, river banks, land development, and any other high-risk areas that could be affected by erosion. Given the current trend for more extreme weather conditions due to factors such as global warming, having a form of erosion control in place is more important than ever. Soil erosion occurs naturally on all land; however, it can be exacerbated by certain conditions which are mainly broken down into two categories, wind erosion and water erosion, both of which are exacerbated by extreme or unseasonable weather.
In addition to weather erosion, landscape also plays a factor. Trying to landscape a naturally hilly or mountainous area is extremely difficult, and presents its own fresh set of erosion-related problems. As well as the logistics of moving resources around an uneven surface and weather conditions, hilly areas are much more susceptible to landslides and problems with surface runoff.
Understanding your seeding options is important to prevent erosion. While sowing seeds and broadcast seeding both are traditional and cost viable options, they are only ever planted in a way that means they are either left completely exposed to the elements or with a loose layer of soil over the top, meaning that the seeds are particularly susceptible to erosion. Using sod grass in another alternative and is much better for preventing erosion. However, it can only be used for planting grass and can be very expensive.
This is where hydroseeding comes into its own. A slurry, made up of seed, fertilisers and mulch held together by a bonding agent, is sprayed over the whole area that needs to be planted, evenly covering hills and ditches, while providing a layer of bonded seeds that sticks to the soil. Therefore, hydroseeding has many benefits over normal seeding methods when it comes to erosion control, but here are the top reasons:
Hydroseed mulch can be transported in a range of different containers and by various vehicles, meaning that planting seeds in all different variations of landscape is not just possible, but simple.
Hydroseeding is extremely time-efficient, faster than every other method of seeding by up to 50%. Due to the bonding compounds (tackifying agents) the slurry binds to the soil almost instantly, allowing the seeds to take roots as quickly as possible – this in itself helps to prevent erosion.
Water Retention
The hydroseed slurry has the ability to hold up to 10 times its weight in terms of water retention. This is beneficial for two reasons: firstly, the added moisture allows the seeds to germinate and take root quicker, and secondly the added weight makes the soil covering heavier, giving greater protections against natural erosion such as strong winds.
Unlike sodding, hydroseeding can work with a vast variety of seeds, for example wildflowers, native plants, grass, pasture or meadows – it’s also possible to create custom mixes. Hydroseeding can also be used without seeds to create a soil stabiliser for instances such as wildfire.
Environmental Safety
Hydroseed mulch is entirely harmless to the environment. The slurry is non-toxic with no risk to wildlife, children and pets.
Hydroseeding is considerably cheaper than sod, although more expensive than sowing or broadcast seeding. However, it works out far more cost effective due to the lack of follow-up maintenance required compared to traditional sowing methods, which require consistent maintenance after to prevent erosion control.
Overall, hydroseeding is the most efficient, cost-effective, environmentally friendly and versatile form of seeding, providing maximum erosion control and growth.