Top 6 Tips of Wildflower Maintenance | The Maintenance of a Wildflower Meadow

Wildflower meadows require an active maintenance regime. Here we give you the top 6 tips for Wildflower Maintenance.

Top 6 Tips of Wildflower Maintenance


1. Reduce soil fertility. Most wild flowers are happiest when growing on poor soil. If soil fertility is too high the grasses and the strongest flowers tend to out-compete the more delicate wildflower species.


2. Keep your grass Minimal. The idea is to make sure you have enough grass to give excellent ground cover 365 days a year, provide habitat for wildlife, but make sure this grass does not interrupt the development of wildflowers. An example of hydroseeding for wildflower seeding can be seen here.


3. Conserve the wildflowers. Shade, moisture, soil levels It’s important for you to actively maintain the meadow and create the right conditions for wild flowers to thrive.


4. Eradicate unwanted species.  Weeds will always find a way to try and ruin your meadow. Wind, birds or other animal carriers, those weed seeds always find a way to find your meadow. Some can add to the texture, but keeping on top of this is essential.


5. H2O. Usually you can naturally expect the elements to keep your wildflowers well watered. However in the event of a heatwave it is always worth topping up the moisture levels if needed.


6. Vary the Species. More species and variety can mean more wildlife to help your meadow thrive.


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We hope you enjoyed these Top 6 Tips of Wildflower Maintenance in the UK. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information.

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