Sustainable Hydroseeding in 2021 – Hydroseeding UK

Hydroseeding by https://oliverbrownltd.co.uk/
We’ve already established that hydroseeding is cost effective, efficient and easy method to use for creating green areas in 2021. But how does it rank in terms of environmental sustainability? The answer is very well – in fact it’s one of the leading methods of planting for sustainable agriculture.
As the world turns its attention to improving the way we treat the planet, farming is no exception. Here are the key factors that make hydroseeding environmentally friendly and sustainable.
It’s non-toxic
Hydroseeding solution is non-toxic, making it safe for everyone, but particularly wildlife, pets, and children, who are normally the biggest concern for our customers. Hydroseed users can rest assured that no harsh chemicals are used near their homes or land.
Hydroseeding can improve the quality of soil
Hydroseed is often carried out on land where the soil is of very poor quality, particularly areas that have been recently developed or have undergone construction, where the top soil has been disturbed and stripped of the microflora and fauna that are normally relied upon to promote plant growth. Hydroseeding slurry can be customised to suit the soil, therefore natural conditioners can be added which helps seeds become established, thus altering the characteristics of the soil.
Erosion control
Due to the unique slurry mixture of hydroseed, it can be used very effectively for erosion control, gluing soil into place and enabling plants to take root and grow. It is a far more sustainable method of erosion control than man-made barriers and fencing.
It reduces the growth of weeds
Weeds are not just pesky; they can be particularly destructive to the environment. They can make soil erosion worse and limit biodiversity, taking over and dominating from natural plant and grass species.
Luckily hydroseeding can limit weed growth as most mixes are almost totally free of weeds.
Mulch acts as a growth medium for seeds
Mulch as a growth medium is highly beneficial for a number of reasons, not least because it retains moisture so well, meaning less watering and better germination time. It can also prevent seed dormancy as the mulch insulates the seeds, meaning that they don’t cease to germinate if the temperature drops unexpectedly.
Hydroseeding promotes the growth of native grasses
Many native varieties of grasses and flowers have died out due to intensive farming and development. Hydroseeding can help to reintroduce native species of grasses and flowers to their natural habitats, meaning that they thrive and require less pesticides as well as providing suitable habitats and pollen to native wildlife. Almost any seed can be used in a hydroseeding mixture, however native grasses also tend to promote water conservation as they have already adapted to the climate.
Hydroseeding conserves water
Hydroseeding requires a lot of water during the germination process, however the grasses that grow are generally hardy and don’t require much water. The mulch is excellent at absorbing and holding water, and then slowly releasing it along with the other nutrients to the roots. In fact, there is no other method that will provide as much water retention as hydroseeding. It can retain up to 10x its weight in water, hence, you will ensure grass survival.