Golf Course Hydroseeding Service UK
Hydroseeding is a fantastic alternative to laying turf for golf courses. It’s cost effective, faster and produces a thicker, healthier turf.
What is hydroseeding?
Hydroseeding is a planting method that involves mixing seeds, water, fertilizer, and a special mulch material to create a slurry. This slurry is then sprayed over the designated area using a hose or specialized hydroseeding equipment.
Hydro seeding is a fantastic method for promoting rapid and efficient germination of grass seed. It’s commonly used for applying grass seed on slopes and helps to prevent erosion in high traffic areas. Hydroseed’s slurry mixture is 100% organic and biodegradable. It also helps to protect the seed in difficult conditions for a thicker and healthier lawn.
Why do golf courses prefer hydroseeding?
Conventional seeding methods, such as laying turf, can take up to 6 weeks to root. Golf courses looking to repair damaged courses or transforming new courses need fast germination.
Hydroseeding not only speeds up seed distribution, but the average germination time is only 5-10 days. This means that golf courses can open and repair courses quickly, encouraging minimal course closure.
The thick turf can help with erosion control, especially in high footfall areas of your course. It’s also easy to apply the high quality grass seed onto slopes, bunkers, pond edges, banks and along watercourses.
What grass seeds do golf courses use?
On golf courses, the two main types of grass seeds are chewings fescue and slender creeping red fescue. These seeds shine when they get just the right amount of nitrogen – low to moderate levels do the trick.
Because these seed species are less susceptible to diseases, they also reduce the need for fungicides on the golf course. It’s a win-win situation!
What services do Hydroseeding UK offer?
We offer a complete golf course hydro seeding service in the UK. This includes an initial consultation with us regarding grass type, application of the hydromulch and follow ups where necessary.