Hydroseeding Mulch & Grass Seed Types – Hydroseeding UK.
Any type of grass seed can usually be applied with hydroseeding machinery, along with wildflower mixes and even oats.
Each seed specification is individually tailored for each job. Factors such as location, soil type, soil fertility and its future intended usage are all taken into account.
When Hydroseeding, the seed is made up as part of the mulch.
Here are some examples of the most common mulch and grass seeds used in the UK.
Mulch Options
Here is a brief description of the types of mulch that can be included in a hydroseed slurry.
Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) Mulch
A bonded fiber matrix is a continuous layer of elongated fiber strands held together by a water-resistant bonding agent. The matrix is a continuous layer of elongated fibre strands held together by a water-resistant bonding agent. It keeps raindrops from hitting the soil because it has no holes larger than one millimetre. It allows no gaps between the product and the soil. It has a high water-holding capacity. It will not form a water-insensitive crust that can inhibit plant growth. It biodegrades into materials that help plant growth.
Wood Fiber Mulch
As the name suggests, this mulch product is 100% whole wood fibre. Wood fibre mulches are specifically designed to be applied using hydroseeding equipment or mechanically agitated equipment as it is termed by hydroseeding contractors. Wood fibre mulch is derived from wood chips that are ground between large steel plates until the chips are converted to fine intertwined fibres. Read more.
Blended Mulch
Blended mulch offers increased performance over the likes of paper mulch products and straight wood mulches. When applied by professional hydroseeding contractors, it forms a homogeneous and consistent mix which helps to achieve better water absorption than a straight wood or straw mulch.
Paper Mulch (not recommended)
If your budget does not allow for the more effective BFM or wood fiber mulch, you can choose less expensive paper mulch. Paper mulch is an excellent inorganic alternative to help protect your plants from weeds and keep the soil temperature up. Paper mulches can be made from reclaimed material or purchased at most garden centers and nurseries for a minimal price. It is the least effective mulch and not usually recommended.
Seed Options
Slender creeping red fescue
Slender-creeping variations of red fescue are more solidly tufted and are perfect for creating fine and brightly coloured quality lawns. They generally have short, slim, and less hearty creeping rhizomes.
Strong creeping red fescue
This class of seed is predominately used in turf production for binding. It is generally not suited to close mown areas such as golf greens and bowls club lawns. It can sometimes be used around golf tees and fairways as it can have some fantastic regenerative capacity due to its unique rhizomes.
Chewings fescue
This is a thin leaved, tufted grass. It is distinguished from creeping red fescue by its absence of creeping rhizomes. It remains dark green throughout most of the season. This is generally used in the amenity sector for lawn and landscape projects.
Browntop bent
The species of turf is commonly used within seed mixes to improve turf density when grown in temperate regions. It can also be used in fairway oversowing and within golf surrounds. It is native to Eurasia and has been widely introduced in many parts of the world, including the UK.
Dwarf perennial ryegrass
Dwarf ryegrass is a specifically bred strain of perennial ryegrass, selected for its shorter growth habit and its ability to produce low growing tillers and subsequently a thicker sward than standard ryegrass species. This is very commonly used in amenity areas and is very hard wearing whilst still being fairly fine-leaved.
Smooth stalked meadow grass
Smooth stalked meadow grass is frequently found in the wild in both mineral and humus rich soils in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It forms an attractive carpet with good wearing qualities and regenerative ability. The downside is that it can be very slow to establish.
Hard fescue
Hard fescue is a fine fescue and considered a very low-maintenance lawn. Like the other fine fescues, it is shade and drought tolerant, and overall more heat, drought and disease tolerant. As a result, it is increasingly commonplace in seed mixes. It is often used for stabilising roadsides and banks.
If you would like more information on hydroseeding seeds in the UK, please contact us here.