Hydroseeding Latest News October
The latest Hydroseeding News in October 2019
Works begins on temporary SH4 fix across Matahiwi slip.
The Matahiwi slip on State Highway 4 was stable enough for work to begin on a temporary road across it this week. Early work had mainly consisted of draining the area and “hydroseeding” the slip face, to revegetate it. Heavy machinery and rocks had been moved to the construction site.
Cover Crops Required in New York Town
The newly-passed town resolution states that soils must be reasonably protected from wind erosion with cover crops from Dec. 1– March 1. This includes applying a nontoxic tackifier, which is described as a chemical adhesive used to keep soil, mulch or seeds in place during wind or storm conditions. (This is a botanical “glue” used in industrial hydroseeding to stabilize soils and for dust control, often promoted by suppliers as a biodegradable organic processed straw.)
Santa Monica Airport to remove runway pavement to make way for Hydroseeding
In its decision, the FAA said, “We conclude that airport revenue may be used to fund the pavement removal, pavement pulverization, and hydro-seeding project, including the work within the Runway Safety Area, at SMO. The removal of the subject pavements, pavement pulverization and reuse, and the soil stabilization at SMO appears justified as an airport operating cost.”
Big storm hits Bay Area, blizzard swirls in Sierra – Hydroseeding used for protection
Nessinger and other neighbors have been scrambling to protect their homes from a possible mud or rockslide. In recent days, they’ve used hydroseeding techniques by spraying a slurry of grass seed and mulch, to control erosion on the hill. They hope it will take root before the ground becomes overly saturated.
Oliver Brown Ltd use Flexterra Hydroseeding Techniques
Hydroseeding with Flexterra and Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass onto Enkamat erosion control matting to promote rapid grass establishment and erosion control.
Check back next month for your November News.